
Showing posts from 2016

And At The End Of the Day..

Things never end the way you want, do they, Neil?" Chris mused. "I don't mean to be negative, but.."It's okay, replied Neil."We're all allowed to do some reflecting. As long as it doesn't devolve into a "Pity Party." They both laughed. "Who would have thought that we could actually build a career in the music business," Neil reflected. The two were then interrupted by an unusually loud phone ring. "You answer it, Neil. You're closer." "Okay. But don't make this an every day habit." Neil grabbed the receiver. "Hello?" There was silence at the other end. "Hello," he repeated, getting a bit annoyed. "Is there someone there?" Suddenly, he heard someone crying in the background--almost a wailing weeping that was disturbing, to say the least. "What's going on?" Neil was growing alarmed. Just then, a weak, wavering voice got on the other end of the phon...

I Just Had To Post This Hilarious Comparison

I just couldn't resist. Neil and Patrick Bateman are wearing the same clothes, well, practically. Now I am not in any way claiming their personalities are similar. Let's just say that Bateman wouldn't hesitate to wield his axe and wipe his victim off the face of the earth. Neil, on the other hand is so fussy about keeping clean, whether it's his flat or his wardrobe, that he would never tolerate a bloody mess that Bateman made. Here we have Neil, with one of those ancient phones and good old Patrick Bateman brandishing a pen. This is the film where I saw how hot Christian Bale was. Too bad he played a violent Yuppie in the 1980's film, American Psycho. But not nearly as hot as our Neil. It seems as though their tailors were separated at birth. Well, I thought It Was Funny.