Requiem For Quality Music: You Know What I Mean

Lets bring back the music that is so, so much better than the swill that passes for it these days. We cannot stomach another faux era where talent is sadly taken a nose dive. So-called performers like Mylie Cyrus, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black. Mylie goes for the raunchy image and seems to feel that she must thrust out her Gene Simmons like tongue, wear as little clothing she can get away with and make a real fool of herself. She has to do something that will surely have more longevity than any of her songs. She sounds good in the studio but God-awful live. She sang "The Climb" on American Idol and it was so cringeworthy I felt embarrassed. Without the use of autotune, none of these Disney kids can carry many notes and, as I had said, some of them rely on shock value antics. And Justin Bieber (whose family home is frighteningly and perilously close to mine) actually has some raw talent and can sing. But like all the Disney graduates, they invariably...