Two Deaths In Suburbia: An Original Short Story

This scene, taken from the TV movie "Go Ask Alice." Alice is a typical teenager, shy and unpopular, who leaps into the crazy drug world after a hit of LSD. From there, our unfortunate suburban girl is intoduced to Speed and Torpedos--the very next day. Then, for some bizarre reason, Alice tries pot, which is known as a gateway drug and not something that. after hard substances, you THEN gets this wild rush, complete with running around talking about encredibly oversize curbs. Sure. Here, doper and drug dealer, played by Robert Carradine (yep, THAT Robert Carradine with teeth that could take over the world). Chris, in that stupid floppy hat and Jan are salivating as they see the stash. So Alice leaves her comfortable home in the suburbs. There were a lot of kids like these. Here's Gerrie Mason in all her neurotic, drunken glory. Portrayed by legendary Julie Harris. Deborah Winters played daughter, Maxi, whose wholesome facade falls into pieces when she tells her pare...