I don't understand how a billionaire reality showman can run a first world country like America, particularly since he can barely run his own life. Three wives, going broke twice and so incredibly shallow. Not to mention a billionaire who gives less to charity than any rich man or woman. But hey, you voted him in, so I guess you're stuck with him. Now that the most ludicrous choice for an American President, h as unleashed the overt racist faction on the world --a buffoon with more money than brains-----the truly bizarre (this has to be some colossal joke, right?) Donald Trump. Yes, this is a former reality show host with mega-bucks who was outed by The Smoking Gun (an online site for uncovering material that can be and often is bogus , fabricated or out and out false--remember that scandal with author James Frey, author of an autobiography, A Million Little Pieces and was found to have embellished some of the book's content and had lied to his readers?) Thi...