It actually seemed like a very promising idea at the time of its conception. However, both young Brits facilitated a heady project that would catapult them from relative obscurity and endless, soul-sucking ennui. Who could have imagined in their wildest dreams, that the rather bizarre combination of an English professor and a young fellow bouncing from one dead end job to another, always searching for that ONE profession from which he could gather even one modicum of self-worth would quite probably be their ticket to superstardom. So instead of the constant ridicule (“Hey, sod off, fricken’ fruit”, (“Hey, we know you don’t like girls!”) and perhaps worst of all, (“You do know that you perverts are all going to hell. Did you know that and if so, why the hell doesn’t scare the living daylights out of you?”) There are scores to add to this sordid roster and those who know firsthand didn’t need to be apprised. These constant battering slurs had taken their toll on both young men, ...