Today's Music, Sexuality Etc.

                    Living In the Past                   

 I thought I had all the answers
 And that I was some sort of god
Thinking I could cure life's cancers
What an arrogant, pitiful sod.

Invisibility hides all the pain
Anger's taken over my mind
My self-esteem's down the drain
I now see the world as unkind.

This is a self-pity wallow
I know I swim in a tepid pool
My heartbeats are quite hollow
I should have stayed in school

But it's too late for dreaming
Reality slaps me hard in the face
I could kick myself for seeming
To be in my rightful place.

So what's so great about music now?
Most of it really grates on my nerves
All my music gods are now sacred cows.
I'm still not sure what purpose they serve.

So here I am living in the past.
Memories and all that crap.
When will genuine talent win out at last?

----lonelyheroine 2019

  Bring Back the Talent

Is that too much to ask?
This riotous noise is driving me mad
It will be a very formidable task
And that, above all, really makes me sad.

So the Boys wrote Domino Dancing---big deal?
Was that the straw that broke America's back?
God forbid you banish their guns of steel
You know, the ones proudly mounted on a rack.

I mean, school shootings take a back seat
So what's one more dead kid to add to the score?
Americans could never, ever admit defeat
And that controlling their weapons matters more.

So I highly doubt Neil and Chris are perverted
Just because their sex lives are different than theirs
The Stonewall riots pretty much had asserted
That behind all bedroom doors, who the hell cares?

So what I am trying to tell everyone here to know
Gun violence is so incredibly deadly and dire
I mean, look at them flocking to every gun show
Their answer to anything off-colour's to fire.



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