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Sensation: A Novel----A Good Idea Or Not? You Decide

First off, I'd like to know what all you Pet Shop Boys think about me writing a novel based on their lives and careers. It is written in novel form, which means it's a work of fiction and not some ill-conceived attempt at exploitation. That means that it is the furthest thing from my mind to capitalize on two incredible musicians who've been dealt a raw deal with regard to being harshly judged for their sexuality, particularly in America and to a lesser degree, Australia. This has irked all of us for a very long time, because to shut out an extraordinarily talented duo of singer/songwriters is a damn shame. I live in Canada, where we are much more liberal in our thoughts and opinions of homosexuality, but unfortunately, because we live next door to the United States OF America, we get wrapped up in their odd dogma, what with worshiping the gun culture and allowing school shootings to become the norm rather than the exception, but then Janet Jackson accidentally flashes a breast during the Superbowl, she was practically vilified and hung out to dry. Their values are skewed and although there are many, many Americans who have their priorities straight, their voices get drowned out by gun nuts who clamour for laws that would allow everyone the right to bear arms. What nonsense and look at the harm it's doing. Yet how dangerous are members of the same sex loving one another in peace? Why aren't they touting the virtues of owning an arsenal in case someone dares to trample on their Constitution? Does this make sense to anyone reading this? Probably, at least in some of the comments that have had to be removed by an administrator working for Blogger anyway,

Having said that, this work is a labour of love and as such, no-one is being targeted or defamed in any way except in the strict margin of the novel as opposed to a biography. I would not proceed with this project if it makes anyone uncomfortable. I have long wanted to read an authorized biography of Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe. I enjoyed their film, It Couldn't Happen Here, although it was depressing and dark, it did get the message across that nobody was immune to the AIDS epidemic and that the symbolism used in this film went over the heads of most movie critics. I read a lot of reviews that dissed their acting abilities, while seeming to ignore everything else and as such, it didn't get the wide audience it deserved.

So all this babbling is basically just biding time until I actually post the first chapter of Sensation, which is completed and in my blogger's index. I am posting this link in both of the major message forums, because not a lot of people know about this blog. The Internet is a vast wasteland and it's often difficult to navigate one's way through it without swimming into a lot of choking seaweed. Here are some pictures to go along with this rather bizarre post:


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