Who Cares? A Poem

Who cares what your sexuality is?
It's nobody's business but yours.
Yet in the shallow  world of show biz
Homophobia and ignorance soars.

I don't like to talk about stuff such as this.
But the world seems to be quite obsessed.
Folks need to stop wondering just who to kiss.
It's nobody's business, I will always attest.

Morality's really just one lonely word.
Those who extol its virtues are blind.
We all have our choices--haven't you heard?
Just reach out with love and remain warm and kind.

The Pet Shop Boys don't worry about all these things
At least that's the impression I get.
They live and love and enjoy what that brings.
They've obviously found love, I'm willing to bet.

So just worry about your own affairs, why don't you.
The world will keep turning and the sun will still shine
Do you know that expression; "To thine self be true?"
To choose is a right and self-love is all mine.


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