A Little Levity To Prove I Have A (Albeit Quirky) Sense of Humour

I would bet that Neil has a few uses for this  weiner.
And give me some attention, grl

I'm a party animal
I don't want to be a pirate!
Not sure if this is what they call a Romantic shirt. But I don't want to be a pirate either
Here's Neil reacting to the question "Aren't you too old to be rock stars?" Chris reacted the same way.
Could we possibly end this interview?I'm about falling asleep here.
\and Chris were listening to the hit songs of 2002 and when our pride from \Napanee Ontario, Avril Lavigne, who wowed everyone when her hit record, Let Go chararged up the charts when she was just 17. Here's what Neil and Chris were not exactly enamoured with her at all. Chris hates her, Neil couldn't understand why Avril Lavigne's album was  big hit in the UK. She's ghastly. We usually don't have that sort of Bollocks, do we?" There was more in the article, but I think we shouldn't bash the poor girl.
Chris is upgrading the boys' blowup doll
Chris, shouldn't you have dressed up a bit? I can see your knees.
This picture is from the "Maybe we should give these two a streetwise toughness. There are three more of these, but the idea was scrapped.
I wonder if Elton John is trying out for a sequel for the Johnny Depp film, Edward Scissorhands. To me, it looks as though good old Elt hasn't seen the whole thing. I can't think that this new flick will include Elton Scissornose. He'd do much better in a lavish Broadway musical instead.
I didn't know that Neil and Chris would ever admit about the window breaking and vandalising: Using a felt pen to deface a bus stop. My dad used a bb gun to shatter a streetlight when he was a kid. His classmates offered him a place of honour for the deed.
I know I'm not Marlon Brando--I don't even own a motorcycle. 
Here's a hapless hamster, just minding his own business and has been told that there's a weird belief that we get stuffed into one's bum. We are not amused.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. I implore you... "
Nothing says happy hour like a pint or four of beer.
My, you're full of yourself, aren't you? 
"You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby, right round round round"
"Hey sailor boy, want some company before you head back out on the high seas?"
Here's  what they refer to as "The Ball Boy."
Neil thinks by standing behind me. it will make up for the years the other way around.
Here's one of my favourite musicians. Michael Stipe from REM singing "Shiny Happy People."
I wonder how much we're going to make for appearing in a Pet Shop Boys video?
Here's Roseanne getting on the phone to discover the electricity is being shut off. "We're screwed."
Neil always got a laugh when Phoebe from the sitcom, Friends sings one of her original songs that tells that a cat to get his or her owner to take care of it's hygiene asap.
Looks as if Neil is being contacted by a UFO and is being beamed up into their spaceship. That's what happens when you wear a tinfoil hat.
This picture reminds me of that really old joke: Question: What is copulation? Answer: Sex between two consenting policemen.  Well, I thought it was funny.
Neil is at a beach and I am so jealous. I love going there, but haven't had a chance in three years.
"We're supposed to work until 6 PM. It's been two hours already."
Well, we meet again. Want to go back to my hotel then we can pretend your water bed feels like being on a boat.
Does this have anything to do with those Carry On British films? Hilarious. Unfortunately, these fellows  
You sure you got permission to borrow these salad bowls?


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