Neil Francis Tennant: Through the Years

Just adorable. Shy Neil and sister Susan.
A collage of Neil in various years at St Cuthberts Catholic High School.  With his band, Dust, who wrote the quirky "Can You Hear the Dawn Brake?"
Neil's clever t-shirt, accompanied with "It's Mao Or Never." I love nerds and Neil doesn't fail to impress me. (From a nerd to a nerd).
Neil with some friends. I believe this was taken in these now defunct (as far as I know) photo booths at the mall. Neil's a cutie.

Ah, the classic long-haired look, inescapable in the Seventies.
Neil's so fresh-faced and almost angelic.
Neil with some relatives, enjoying a cup of tea. I wish I knew what they were all laughing at.
Neil having a great time with Ringo Starr in the days when he worked at Smash Hits magazine.
He has said that these years as a journalist made him realise what performers go through when he and Chris became pop stars themselves.
The early years when Neil and Chris were getting their bearings.
Here are the Boys, Neil and Chris in one of the many photos taken after they burst onto the scene with West End Girls.
Adorable Neil squinting.

A picture of Neil and Chris from the time the powers that be were trying a tough guy look, (which most of us knew would ultimately be abandoned.) Super-imposed on a "Greatest Hits" TV appearance.

Young Neil showing us his grumpy (baby) face.
Performing "Opportunities"
Another photo showing the Pet Shop Boys in their element.
Neil's not sure whether or not Chris will lean backward and send both of them tumbling.
Flashback to the 1988 Wembley Stadium show as Neil sings "Rent."
From the same concert, as Neil performs "Opportunities."
Neil and Chris being interviewed. Neither of them look too thrilled.
At a press conference. Neil and Chris prefer one-on-one interviews instead.
Publicity photos during the Boys's sad days "It Couldn't Happen Here" They produced a powerful film about the scary early days of AIDS.
Singing "So Hard"which included the verse, "We've both given up smoking, because it's fatal, so whose matches are those."
One of many "action" shots. For some reason, I love these outfits.
Neil playing guitar while Sylvia Mason James, backup singer is positioned between Neil and Chris. 
Picture taken with a lucky fan, likely giving him or her an autograph,
This " Cubism" phase is an acquired taste, for myself anyway. Interesting costumes, however.

Neil may be singing "Flamboyant" here, dedicated to Elton John.  He's once more wearing a dynamite coat.

Well, that's about it. I hope you enjoyed it. A Chris page follows of course.


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