Obsolescence Or Forever Adored: Pet Shop Boys & the Grunge Movement

I don't usually post unfinished work, but I'm making an acception this time. This particular project requires a great deal of research and if any of you don't mind, could you please let me know in the comments at the bottom if you wish to have this story continued or not. I know this sounds a bit odd, but knowing whether or not it's worth proceeding with this project is essential, as there  isn't much traffic here, in part because a lot of Petheads don't speak English as their first language. I understand this completely and this prologue is not meant to sound grumpy or pissy. 

Neil had made the worst decision of his life and if he could make it disappear, he certainly would. But he was unable to erase the unfortunate events or put that genie back in the bottle. 

He inadvertently become enmeshed in high drama on the often humiliating social media hotbed of You Tube. He'd always steered clear, because it had the reputation of attracting a lot of unbalanced, angry and nasty miscreants, whose lives must be utterly broken to be as cruel and sadistic as they are. It's so easy to become enmeshed in deplorable traps that can and do, lead weak and fragile souls to suicide.

"Well, how bad can it be? You and I have been dealing with idiots who, for one reason or other, build themselves up to try demolishing and unsuspecting targets. Of all the social networks, You Tube is brutal and dangerous."                                          

Neil Tennant had always attracted people who like to bend his ear when there's no-one else to do it. He often wonders whether or not he's got a sign on his back proclaiming "If you ever need someone to listen to, I'm here to do it!"  
I'm calling the police and let them know that you've been stalking me for months now! Are you with the CIA? Are you God?"

Neil was getting frustrated. He never went on any of the social media sites anymore (Twitter was becoming an obsession) particularly not You Tube until today. It would turn out to have tragic consequences.

Neil opened his laptop and got onto You Tube. He and Chris were bemused to see the Pet Shop Boys videos splashed everywhere. The You Tubers's comments ranged from "Great, guys. Wish we still lived in the 1980's" to the less-than-endearing "They sound gay."

Chris chuckled. "If they only knew."

"Remember Usenet?" Neil chuckled. "What a quagmire of rubbish that devolved into at break neck speed."

Here's an article I dug up on this very subject:

Usenet was a once popular and wildly successful collection of newsgroups in the 1990's.  the place to be when the grunge sensation was at its peak.  Seattle bands, like Pearl Jam, Nirvana and Soundgarden, to name a few dominated the radio stations. One of the enthusiastically heralded bands from Athens, Georgia was REM. Personally, Michael Stipe, Bill Berry, Peter Buck and Mike Mills, who made up this alternative rock powerhouse and had a massive following, particularly among young teenagers who felt alienated and desperate for songs they could relate to.


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